
1.Free Lal Kitab   
Lal Kitab Kundali is another way of preparing the horoscope of Janam Kundali that is based on the principles of Lal Kitab. Being class apart from Vedic Astrology, the Lal Kitab Free Horoscope is an excellent mode of predicting the future through the genius ways of Lal Kitab Astrology. Free Lal Kitab Horoscope or Lal Kitab Janam Kundli varies from the one that is prepared in Vedic Astrology. At Future Point, we have made our cutting-edge technology absolutely free for our users to get their profits maxed out. Our Free Lal Kitab Horoscope Predictions analyses your birth chart and prepares a report based on the fixed houses and zodiac signs of Lal Kitab Software.

2.The Lal Kitab Predictions are based on the Karmic Baggage or Karmic Debt and these are what we know by the name of ‘Lal Kitab Debt’. It might look as if Vedic Astrology and Lal Kitab are somewhat contradictory to each other, which is far from the case. Both the methods to prepare Janam Kundali are considered accurate and prestigious. They hold their individual importance, which shows how well they compliment each other. The 3.Vedic Astrology Horoscope Predictions go hand in hand with the Lal Kitab Analysis, as they both have different things to incorporate. Lal Kitab Jyotish notes the Lal Kitab Remedies after every malefic aspect they find in the birth chart.

4.The Free Lal Kitab Kundali is available in two languages:

Free Lal Kitab Kundali in Hindi
Free Lal Kitab Kundli in English

6.  In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or exalted house give good results. A
planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his
Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will
destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.
7.  While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses must be examined together as
they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th
acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house
is the ruler’s foot.
More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the ruler does not have required control
over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to the planets in the first house, then
they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the 11th house will be adversely
The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th house (minister) and control their
actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are friendly, then the planet in the 7th
house can not play any mischief.
Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining large property. But if mercury is in
the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the
native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka of the native. At the same time
if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for
destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active elements of the 8th house are always
secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no control.
Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are friendly, they will control the
planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be bad.
The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If they are mutually inimical, then
the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of the native. The planets of the
8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect their results.
8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined simaltaneouosly as follows :
(a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby affect the results of the 2nd
house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house over the 2nd house are affected by
the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and unfavourably if inimical.
(b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects its results. The planets of the 6th
and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect the planets
of the 2nd house (+++).
(c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are evil planets in the 6th and 8th
houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times.
(d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and
other places of worship.

 The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined simaltaneously as follows :
(a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing effects after the birth of the nativeísyounger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable
changes start coming up in the nativeís life just after the birth of the child.
(b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native
remains deprived of all the benefits.
(c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good
results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If 10th and 2nd houses are empty, the
good results of the 4th house will go waste.
(d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
(e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give good results.
(f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues
of the native or the native himself adversely.
(g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of
misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of the
5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the earnings of the native will also be
affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the
planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefics whatever be their natural charecter.2. Sun : Effects and Remedies
The second chapter of Lal Kitab, termed as the wonder Book of Astrology, details
the effects of Sun in various houses alongwith the remedies.
The sun, eulogised by the†author of the Lal Kitab as Vishnu, the lord of presentation, is the father of
our solar system, around which all planets resulve. The power of light in the sky, the temperature of
the earth, the power of presentation and progress are represented by the sun. His presence means
the ìdayî and absence means the ìnightî. The soul in human body and the power of rendering
bodily services to others have also been referred to the Sun - a royal planet of power, authority and
The Sun provides good results if placed in houses 1 to 5,8,9,11 and 12. The 6th, 7th, and 10th are
bad houses for the Sun. The Moon, the Jupiter and the Mars are the planets friendly to the Sun,
where the Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are enemies. The first is the Puccka Ghar, the permanent
house and the house of exaltation of the Sun, whereas the 7th house is in the house of debilitation.
The Mars in the 6th and Ketu in the Ist house make the Sun produce results of an exalted planet. If
the Sun is exalted or placed in an auspicious house of a personís horoscope he is bound to rise
higher and higher in power and position. If obstacles are created against him by a person that person
is bound to meet his doom. Much better results are proposed if the Sun is in conjunction with
The Sun gives adverse effects on the things associated with the house in which he is placed. Conse-
quently in the Ist house he will create health problems for the native. In the 2nd house he will affect
the family and its comforts absolutely adversely.
The sun in the 6th house will not prove good for the sisters and daughters of the native. In the 7th he
will face obstacles in the comforts of the wife. The Sun of the 8th house will saue the native from
death in critical situations.
The sun of the 9th house will destroy the comforts of the forefathers and perhaps deprive the native
of their properties. In the 10th, the sun will affect the father adversely. The sun in the 11th increases
and multiplies the income of the native manifold, if he does not augment the power of Saturn by
cosumption of liquor, meat and eggs. The Sun in the 12th house destroys the comforts of the night
hour sleep of the native.
The Sun will not be able to harm Venus when sun is being aspected by Saturn because Saturn and Venus are great
friends. On the contrary, if Saturn is being aspected by Sun, then the Sun will not be afraid of Saturn and he
will destroy the Venus as both are natural enemies in the house where he is placed.
The effects of the Sun in both the situations in different houses are as below :
Sun in Ist House
Benefic :
(1) The native will be fond of constructing religious buildings and digging of wells for public
purposes. He will have permanent source of livelihood- more from the government. Money earned
from honest sources will keep multiplying. He will believe only his eyes, not in ears.
Malefic :
The nativeís father may die in early childhood. Having sex in the day time will make the wifeconstantly ill and have infection of tuberclosis if Venus is placed in the 7th house. Malefic sun in
the 1st house and Mars in the 5th house will cause the death of sons, one after the other. Similarly,
the malefic Sun in the Ist house and Saturn in the 8th house will cause the death of wives, one after
the other. If there is no planet in the 7th house the marriage before 24th year will prove lucky for the
native, otherwise the 24th year of the native would prove highly disastrous for him
Remedial Measures :
(1) Marry before 24th year of life.
(2) Donít have sex with wife during the day time.
(3) Install a hand pump for water in your ancestral house.
(4) Construct small dark room in the left side at the end of your house.
(5) Either of the spouse must stop eating ìGURî i.e. jaggery.
Sun in 2nd house

Laal kitab

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